To fasten pictures or wall hangings on drywall, you
would try to locate a stud under the drywall and fasten through the
drywall into the wood stud. However, sometimes there is not a stud
in the place you wish to hang something. In that case use a toggle
bolt as shown below. I obtained the toggle bolt shown below at a
Home Depot. You partially drive in the base with a hammer, use a
screw driver to screw in the base completely, and then insert the screw.
It is a better toggle bolt than most others in that you may remove the
screw if needed and reinsert it.

The base is shown above with the toggles not extended

The screw causes the toggle to flare out behind the
drywall as shown above.
UPDATE: Can you hang your item on a hook? If so, a Hercules Hook can hang your item in a matter of seconds. See my blog posts on Hercules Hooks.
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