Hi Mike, Thought I'd share the results of my project with you. Each of the photos has two vertical wall joints. Even with satin paint, and the side light from the light fixtures you can't see any sign of the joint locations. I've done a number of drywall projects in the past but never with this good a result. Thanks again for your marvelous web site.
Larry H.

Click on Photo To Enlarge |

Click on Photo To Enlarge |
Just to let you know your site is fantastic, your tips
and methods work amazingly well. My wife and I have been renovating homes
for 20 years now and always hated doing the drywall because of the crummy
results we always seemed to get. We still hate drywalling but following
your advice we love the finished product which makes it all worthwhile.
Here of some photos of the work in progress. Thank you,
Tony G.

After 3rd Coat - Click on Photo To Enlarge |

Finished and Primed! Click on Photo To Enlarge |
. . . I'd like to thank you for your straight-forward
instructions on dry-walling. I put a 4'x3.5' pass through from the kitchen
into the living room and it really came out awesome. It was my first
dry-wall project, I should have probably practiced somewhere inconspicuous
as you suggested, but rushing into things is just my nature. Even my
girlfriend, who was pretty mad when I first cut into the wall, was
Jeff B.

Looking Into Kitchen - Click to Enlarge |

Looking Out of Kitchen - Click to Enlarge |
Hi Mike: Found your site a month ago
when I was redoing my rec room.I did it 20 years ago. Drywalled it and
rough taped it. Wallpapered it and that was fine. Now the wife wanted
me to de-wallpaper , re-tape and finish it right. Now I was sweating.
Whenever I did any drywalling in the past I had the habit of sanding
between coats and screwing everything up. After reading and closely
following your instructions it came up perfect. I cannot thank you
enough. I am sending a before and after picture with one in between. I
have other pictures if you like.
Cheers Bruce

BEFORE - Click on Photo To Enlarge |

AFTER - Click on Photo To Enlarge |
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