QUESTION: I found your
site about drywall and was wondering if you have any advice on how to
get rid of all of the dust I have created by knocking down a wall in
our home. Unfortunately, I did not put up a plastic sheet to keep the
other rooms from getting dusty & now I have sheet rock dust
everywhere......oops... I've tried dusting, wet dusting, mopping w/
soap & water, mopping with floor cleaner etc...but the vinyl floors
keep drying w/ that dusty dull film...
ANSWER: This is what I would do.
Open windows (if weather permits) and even have a fan blowing out one
window to exchange as much of the air as possible. Clean everything
again to get rid of dust by damp mopping and sponging..
Run a air filter of some type. This will filter out remaining
dust. Now you know why I don't like sanding too much - that dust is
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