Drywall Taping and Finishing

Drywall Questions - Best Drywall for High Moisture Areas, When to Skim Coat, Ragged Paper Edges Sticking Up

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Mac asked: How should one deal with fuzzy edges where one sheet meets another? My knife was dull and the edges have some paper sticking up. Should I go back with a razor and trim back and make the best possible cuts to reduce the fragments?

ANSWER: Mac, Good question! Yes, go back with a very sharp new razor and trim off any paper sticking up from any rough edges. A little raggedness will get easily covered, but a lot may cause you problems as you tape and finish.

Mac asked: I heard of people skim coating the entire sheet of drywall. When is this done?

ANSWER: Mac, The only time you skim the entire piece is when you are repairing drywall that you just removed wallpaper or texture from - this is an alternative to tearing down and starting over. Otherwise, just finish the joints. Also remember to fill screw depressions - it usually takes multiple light skimmed off coats to fill these depressions as each coat shrinks in a bit.

Karen asked: Can I place new drywall right over the old?

ANSWER: Karen, Yes you can go over the top of existing drywall with new. Use screws that are 1 3/4" long if the drywall underneath is 1/2" thick. One issue you will have is that all window, door, and floor trim and openings will have to be adjusted, which may involve a bit of work - so check all of this out first. Also, any heating vents coming through the floor may have to be adjusted.


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