Peter asked: How do I finish drywall where 3 outside corners meet?
ANSWER: You would use 3 pieces of metal outside corner bead, but you would trim off the pieces at an angle so that all 3 meet with no overlap. See the guide at for an illustration. Then use the procedure shown for taping outside corners.
Emad asked: How can I get rid of mold on my bathroom?
ANSWER: Emad, To remove mold in your bathroom, you may need to add insulation to your walls and ceilings, as shown at Then prime and paint with mold-resistant paint. The paint alone may work for small amounts of mold.
An anoonymous person asked: How do you remove a bad texturing job that has not been painted yet?
ANSWER: If this has not been painted or primed yet, you are in luck. Wet the ceiling down with a fine spray. Some suggest a garden sprayer. A spray bottle will work too, but takes longer. Just enough to dampen it but not so much that you make the paper under it soaked and mushy. Scrape off with a taping knife that has rounded corners (to avoid gouging). Do in small patches. Get the remaining bits off with a damp rag or sponge. Avoid damaging the paper under.
Sandy asked: If you sand drywall down to the tape on your ceilings do you have to remudd before
painting? what will happen if you don't?
ANSWER: Sandy, Yes, you will want to remud. The best way to do this is to apply a light coat on each side of the tape. After this dries, knock off any bumps/ridges with a taping knife and place another coat down the middle, bridging these two coats. You can also feather out the edges of the first two coats with additional light coats. This is basically the butt-joint procedure shown at If you do not do this, the paper will show as a rough spot in the paint.
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